May 21, 2009

|| tabahnyer hati~ ||
posted 8:50

pelik ngn dri sendri . knp aku setabah ini .
stil bley dgr sume cte n advice org ag wpun hati aku pedih dgn cte2 e2 .
hati , tabahnyer kmo~

life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets ,
so love the people who treat you right ,
forget about the ones who don't ,
and believe that everything happens for a reason ..

if u get a chance , take it ....
if it changes your life , let it ....
nobody said life would be easy ,
they just promised it would be worth it .

penantian e2 kuhentikan smp dsini...
tamO pk ag dah . hidup mesti diteruskan...